08 November 2014

Sepp Dietrich After Brillanten Award Ceremony

Image size: 1076 x 1600 pixel. 463 KB
Date: Thursday, 10 August 1944
Place: Führerhauptquartier Wolfsschanze, Rastenburg, Ostpreußen/East Prussia (Germany)
Photographer: Unknown photographer from Heinrich Hoffmann firm

This picture was taken in 10 August 1944 outside the bomb shelter at Führerhauptquartier Wolfsschanze (Rastenburg), after Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub, Schwerter und Brillanten #16 (Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oakleaves, Swords and Diamonds) award ceremony for Sepp Dietrich by Adolf Hitler (Dietrich already received the formal confirmation from 6 August 1944). In this day he also officially got promoted from SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS to SS-Oberstgruppenführer und Panzer-Generaloberst der Waffen-SS, in which one additional pips is pinned to his schulterklappen (shoulder boards) and kragenspiegel (collar tabs). Same with the formal confirmation for his Brillanten, Dietrich already received the telegram confirmation for his promotion from 1 August 1944. We can see that the Commanding General of I. Panzerkorps is now wearing SS-Oberstgruppenführer schulterklappen/kragenspiegel in his uniform, also Brillanten in his necks - compared with this picture that was taken before verleihung (ceremony). Background of the picture is totally faked. Right side probably communication center (partially still exists), left "guest air shelter" (partially still exists) or "all purpose air shelter in the zone 2" (partially still exists).

Book "Fotos aus dem Führerhauptquartier" from Hermann Historica München