24 July 2013

Adolf Hitler and Wachtmeister Arthur Adam

Image size: 1600 x 1060 pixel. 199 KB
Date: Early August 1944
Place: Führerhauptquartier Wolfsschanze, Rastenburg, Ostpreußen/East Prussia
Photographer: Unknown

In the first days of August 1944 Adolf Hitler receives Wachtmeister Arthur Adam. Following the assassination attempt of 20 July 1944 he was the first to become suspicious of Oberst Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg. It was he who noticed that the colonel left the conference early and had forgotten his briefcase and service cap in the outer office. After a vain attempt to report this to the two responsible intelligence officers, he turned directly to Reichsleiter Martin Bormann who took him to Hitler in order to state his suspicions. For his deeds, Wachtmeister Arthur Adam was promoted to Oberwachtmeister and received a small house near Berlin and 20,000 RM (Reichsmark). Standing in the left is SS-Obergruppenführer Julius Schaub (Chefadjutant des Führers Adolf Hitler). Please note that Hitler used his left to shakes hand with Adam because his right one is still affected by the bomb blast!

Fotos aus dem Führerhauptquartier - Hermann Historica München


  1. It still is unbelievable to me the german people allowed Hitler & his cronies to take power in Germany.q

    1. ad hominem attacks are the typical reply. amos sounds like an adolescent yelling at the girls. you soak up the jewish funded and provided internet pornography? or buy a date from the human trafficking capital of the world Israel?

  2. Is there any more information or photos of Arthur Adam? If so how do I find it?

  3. I would like to know more about Arthur Adam and see more pictures of him how do I find out more about this man?

    1. I am also interested in research about Arthur Adam, but data is scarce!

  4. As time passes and historical events can be viewed and analyzed from a better perspective, it is clear that Adolph Hitler was right about virtually everything. If America had not intervened with massive support for the Soviet Union, there would today, be no Russia, no Red China, North Korea, North Vietnam, Cuba, no Iron Curtain, and most important, No Israel. America is the villain of WWII, and its' grievous, pro-zionist policies will lead to WWIII.

  5. Can you find Adam's birth and death?

  6. I'm always waiting an answer for Adam's birth and death? Please, can you help me to find those information? Thank you very much.
