07 September 2014

SS Soldiers Playing with Squirrel

Image size: 1600 x 1165 pixel. 131 KB
Date: January-August 1941
Place: Soviet Union
Photographer: Unknown

Two members of the SS-Division Totenkopf playing around and feeding a squirrel in their spare time. The book "Soldaten - Kämpfer - Kameraden. Marsch und Kämpfe der SS-Totenkopf-Division" volume 1 page 288 by Wolfgang Vopersal mentioned that the officer is SS-Obersturmführer Reinhold Wilhelm August Löw, while the non-commissioned officers who accompanied him is SS-Hauptscharführer Hamke. It also added that the squirrel was a pet of the company which they are assigned (3.Kompanie / SS-Totenkopf-Infanterie-Regiment 2). From the data on Löw we can note that this photo was taken in the period between January 1941 (promotion to SS-Obersturmführer) up to August 1941 (promotion to SS-Hauptsturmführer and Chef 3.Kompanie / SS-Totenkopf-Infanterie-Regiment 3). The Officer that was born on May 30, 1913 in Kubach would fall a few months later (November 28th 1941) at Kirillowschtschina (Russia), just days after being appointed as a Chef of 3.Kompanie / SS-Kradschützen-Bataillon 3


1 comment:

  1. Hi, I was led to understand that the SS_Hauptscharführer Hamke was ARNOLD Hamke , my Grandfather, who was Standartenführer in Oberabschnitt Fulda-Werra. Where did you get this information from?
    I have been tracing his Service from the Files I ordered from SS-Archives in Lichterfelde/Berlin. Has anyone any Information on this man? What was his Job? Are there any other photos from him available?
    He died in 1939 comitting Suicide.
    Thanks, MaDau
